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Bank and Cash

In business, bank accounts are where you keep your money. Every business needs one, and there are different types, like regular bank accounts, credit cards, PayPal, or even crypto like BitCoin.

Cash accounts, on the other hand, are like your wallet. They help track real money transactions with bills and coins. This includes managing petty cash for everyday needs or keeping track of cash tills for handling physical money in your business

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  • Code: This is the unique identifier for your Bank or Cash Account.
  • Control account: Useful if you use custom control accounts for your Bank and Cash Accounts.
  • Division: Shows which division the account belongs to (if you use Divisions).
  • Uncategorized Receipts/Payments: Number of receipts/payments waiting to be categorized.
  • Cleared balance: Balance of transactions cleared on your bank statement.
  • Pending deposits/withdrawals: Balance of transactions created but not yet cleared on your statement.
  • Available credit: For credit accounts or those with overdrafts, shows remaining credit.
  • Last Bank Reconciliation: Date of the last bank reconciliation.